Are you ready for Wisdom?

How many times do we ask ourselves, grant me wisdom or perhaps I could really use some wisdom right now.

But are you ready for what wisdom demands?

I know for myself I ask myself this often. I’m seeking out answers, want to know what to do, and make the best decisions.

Seems straight forward, right? I think we often feel that wisdom will simply reveal itself like some magical force and voila we’ll have the desired insight.

But, the reality is not that straight forward.

So, what is wisdom?

Definition of wisdom

  1. a :  accumulated philosophical or scientific learning :  knowledge

                           b :  ability to discern inner qualities and relationships :  insight

                           c :  good sense :  judgment

                           d :  generally accepted belief challenges what has become accepted wisdom                            among many historians — Robert Darnton

  1. A wise attitude, belief, or course of action
  1. The teachings of the ancient wise men

Wisdom is clearly a great desirable thing. Oh, so I long to have more, to navigate this life with such insight.

When we sit back for a moment, what does it therefore take to have wisdom?

To have more wisdom is going to require some effort on our part.

  • Learning (study, training, reading, discussion etc.)
  • Listening
  • Seeking the truth (working to recognise untruths)
  • Hearing new ideas
  • Master a skill or trade (try new things)
  • Mentorship
  • What else can you think of that would be needed?

So, are you willing to have wisdom?

Are you willing to take on what’s needed to have wisdom?

Are you willing to continue the pursuit of wisdom?



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